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COMPARISON – by Gordon Clarke

It is said by those in the know that 70% of all cosmologists believe in the Big Bang theory.  They believe the universe began when a tiny unit less than a trillionth the size of a full stop or a pin point expanded some 13.7 billion years ago and produced the whole universe that we see today.  At the time this idea was posited it was thought our Milky Way was the universe. Now it is known that there are 2 trillion galaxies in existence some of which contain 1 trillion stars.  We now are aware that even the densest materials such as lead or gold are more than 99% empty space.  So it must be accepted that empty space is the only original component that has ever existed.

How could space be created if it did not already exist?  Then the universe has always existed to the full extent that is seen today, only material has been created inevitably by a tiny proportion of space in motion.  Random motion turns to spin which conserves this captured energy in individual units which in spinning pull on space forever and this is New Gravity.  Gravity  the weakest force by far amasses power by addition and so enables all other forces and the consequent materials that we see and feel after billions of years of complication.

No bang, no rapid inflation, no expansion, no dark matter, no dark forces or energy required simple, Occam is a friend of mine !  Any change in the 70% ? The only explanation of how gravity actually works!